
Karl-Heinz Marbaise edited comment on MASSEMBLY-628 at 5/22/14 3:01 PM:

As i described before this behaviour is intended and shows that something is 
wrong with your build (dir format which can't be attached). 
The next point is of course it shouldn't be elegant to get a round such thing 
which is not best practice.

So going to your alternatives:
 * Turning off the "attach" by default will break the compatibility with 
previous versions for such exceptional case and rare usage of the plugin which 
means everyone needs to add attach:true for 99.99999% of the usage so this is 
not really an option.
 * Hiding the warning has already being explained in all details and reasons 
for that.
 * Adding a supplemental parameter as you suggested 
"doNotWarnAboutAttachingDir" or somthing similar only for such exceptional 
usage Hm...i wouldn't vote for it (cause there exists a good way a round it), 
but you might open a separate issue for this and get votes for it. 

One more thing: JIRA is not intended for discussion as i mentioned before. 
Please use the users mailing list for discussion about this subject.

was (Author: khmarbaise):
As i described before this behaviour is intended and shows that something is 
wrong with your build (dir format which can't be attached). 
The next point is of course it shouldn't be elegant to get a round such thing 
which is not best practice.

So going to your alternatives:
 * Turning off the "attach" by default will break the compatibility with 
previous versions for such exceptional case and rare usage of the plugin which 
means everyone needs to add attach:true for 99.99999% of the usage so this is 
not really an option.
 * Hiding the warning has already being explained in all details and reasons 
for that.
 * Adding a supplemental parameter as you suggested 
"doNotWarnAboutAttachingDir" or somthing similar only for such exceptional 
usage Hm...i wouldn't vote for it (cause there exists a good way a round it), 
but you might open a separate issue for this and get votes for it. 

> Bogus warning when assembling to a directory
> --------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MASSEMBLY-628
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-628
>             Project: Maven Assembly Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.3
>         Environment: Apache Maven 3.0.3 (r1075438; 2011-02-28 12:31:09-0500)
> Maven home: c:\Users\visola\Downloads\springsource\apache-maven-3.0.3
> Java version: 1.6.0_32, vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
> Java home: c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_32\jre
> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
> OS name: "windows 7", version: "6.1", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"
> maven-assembly-plugin:2.3
>            Reporter: Vinicius Isola
>         Attachments: test.zip
> When adding a "dir" format to the assembly file, it will output a bogus 
> warning like the following:
> [WARNING] Assembly file: c:\Users\visola\temp\test\target\test-1.0.0 is not a 
> regular file (it may be a directory). It cannot be attached to the project 
> build for installation or deployment.
> I think it is related to bug: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-289
> Attached is an example project that can reproduce the problem just running 
> "mvn clean install"

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