Cintia DR created MSHARED-329:

             Summary: dependency tree should be the same when using verbose or 
                 Key: MSHARED-329
             Project: Maven Shared Components
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: maven-dependency-tree
            Reporter: Cintia DR
            Priority: Minor

When running dependency tree (version 2.8) using maven 3, the generated tree is 
consistent with what maven is using. 

If you enable -Dverbose, I have a [maven 2 dependency 

if ( verbose )
                // verbose mode force Maven 2 dependency tree component use
                dependencyTreeString =
dependencyTreeBuilder.buildDependencyTree( project,
               artifactFilter ) );
                // non-verbose mode use dependency graph component, which gives 
consistent results with Maven version
                // running
                rootNode = dependencyGraphBuilder.buildDependencyGraph( 
project, artifactFilter );

                dependencyTreeString = serializeDependencyTree( rootNode );

It's very misleading. Even the 
 doesn't mention it. 

Probably there's a good reason to not use Aether for the verbose mode, but I 
guess at least it should print a warning at the end of the process and 
explicitly say it in the documentation.  

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