
Andreas Aronsson commented on MNG-5448:

Seems NAR generates a pretty long path. 
They discuss the NAR in the thread leading up to this issue:
I think the last reply may be the answer for this issue. If that looks allright 
it would be nice to have in docs for NAR I guess. 

> Putting dll/so-type dependencies on java.library.path by default
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-5448
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-5448
>             Project: Maven 2 & 3
>          Issue Type: Story
>            Reporter: Markus KARG
> Many people are using Maven to build products that are using native 
> dependencies (e. g. using JNI directly or indirectly). These people have to 
> declare in some way this dependency, so Maven will download the DLL/SO to 
> [target]. But what they also need is to tell Java that the target folder has 
> to be scanned for the DLL/SO, hence they need to set java.library path.
> There are several solutions but all of them lack one thing: They are no 
> default but always do "tricks". This is a problem, because:
> * m2e needs to tell Eclipse where to find DLLs.
> * There might be other tools that want to read or write the POM.
> * How should different tools understand that DLL dependencies are to be put 
> on java.library.path if there is no STANDARD way to find this information in 
> the POM?
> The only "real" solution would be that Maven 3.1 clearly defines the one and 
> only unique way!
> In my opinion the way clearly means:
> * Clearly define that any <packaging>dll</packaging> and 
> <packaging>exe</packaging> dependencies MUST be put to [target/native] and 
> that [target/native] MUST be part of java.library.path!
> That way, it will become most simple to use any DLL/SO as a dependency, 
> either Maven-built or not. And it will be absolutely clear to m2e and any 
> other tools that such dependencies must be told to Eclipse and other 
> environments as to be put on the java.library.path!
> I do not say that it must exactly work THIS way, but what I really like to 
> say is that Maven MUST provide ONE and EXACTLY ONE clear and unambiguous way 
> to tell ANY POM-reading tool that a dependency is a DLL/SO and MUST be found 
> on java.library.path in turn.
> This is NOT up to the POM author, as it is pretty clear that ANY DLL/SO that 
> is a dependency only serves the single and simple purpose of BEING on 
> java.library.path -- otherwise one would not have made it a dependency!
> I mean, ANY JAR dependency is put on the CLASSPATH already, so it makes 
> pretty much sense to do the same with DLL/SO dependency and java.library.path!

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