Grzegorz Grzybek created MWAR-305: ------------------------------------- Summary: Filtering doesn't work as expected after switching from maven-filtering:1.0-beta-2 to maven-filtering:1.1 Key: MWAR-305 URL: Project: Maven WAR Plugin Issue Type: Bug Reporter: Grzegorz Grzybek Priority: Critical
{{maven-filtering:1.0-beta-3}} introduced a setting {{org.apache.maven.shared.filtering.AbstractMavenFilteringRequest.injectProjectBuildFilters}} defaulted to {{false}}. While constructing {{defaultFilterWrappers}} in {{org.apache.maven.plugin.war.AbstractWarMojo.buildWebapp(MavenProject, File)}} the {{MavenResourcesExecution}} is constructed. In {{maven-filtering:1.0-beta-2}} there's unconditional call: {code:java} loadProperties( filterProperties, mavenProject.getBuild().getFilters(), baseProps ); {code} In {{maven-filtering:1.1}}+ there's conditional call: {code:java} if ( request.isInjectProjectBuildFilters() ) { List<String> buildFilters = new ArrayList( request.getMavenProject().getBuild().getFilters() ); buildFilters.removeAll( request.getFileFilters() ); loadProperties( filterProperties, buildFilters, baseProps ); } {code} So my filters declared (as always) in: {code:xml} <build> <filters> <filter>../src/config/env/envX/</filter> </filters> </build> {code} are *not taken into account* forcing me to set (configuration duplicate) [maven-war-plugin's filter|] property. Please change (in {{org.apache.maven.plugin.war.AbstractWarMojo.buildWebapp()}}) the line: {code:xml} mavenResourcesExecution.setFilters( filters ); {code} to {code:xml} mavenResourcesExecution.setFilters( filters == null ? project.getBuild().getFilters() : filters ); {code} regards Grzegorz Grzybek -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. If you think it was sent incorrectly, please contact your JIRA administrators For more information on JIRA, see: