Oscar Picasso created SCM-724:

             Summary: pushChanges not working with maven-scm-provider-jazz
                 Key: SCM-724
                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SCM-724
             Project: Maven SCM
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: maven-scm-provider-jazz
    Affects Versions: 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7
         Environment: Client on windows 7
Jazz RTC version 4.0.1 (for server and scm)
            Reporter: Oscar Picasso

1- maven-release-plugin configured with <pushChanges>true</pushChanges>
2- the RTC repository workspace for the releases has a default/current stream 
as target flow
2- execute
mvn release:prepare release:perform

After release completion:
- changes performed on the RTC repository workspace are not delivered to the 
target stream
- the ownership of the RTC snapshot created during the release has not been 
changed to the target stream

According to the documentation it seems the changes should be propagated to the 
target stream.

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