translateUrlPath works incorrectly

                 Key: MRELEASE-693
             Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: prepare, scm
    Affects Versions: 2.2, 2.1
            Reporter: Maxim Frolov

Given the following pom.xml before release:prepare



the scm/url in pom.xml.tag is computed wrong. 

but pom.xml.tag was after release:prepare:




After debugging the release plugin I found the place in the source code of 
release plugin which incorrectly translates the tagBase to url in pom.xml.tag: 
{ in method 
return StringUtils.replace( urlPath, trunkPath.substring( i ), 
tagPath.substring( i ) );
After the common path between trunk und tag urls is correctly computed, the 
StringUtils.replaces the wrong occurence of trunkPath.substring in urlPath, 
because the urlPath in this case contains more than one trunkPath.substring: 
*Entwicklungswerkzeuge* and *Entwicklung*.

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