Order of IndexCreator's passed to addIndexingContextForced affects whether MavenPluginArtifactInfoIndexCreator has any effect -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MINDEXER-34 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MINDEXER-34 Project: Maven Indexer Issue Type: Bug Affects Versions: 4.1.0 Environment: JDK 6, Ubuntu, Maven 3.0.3; actually Indexer 4.1.1 but that is not listed as an option here Reporter: Jesse Glick Priority: Critical While working on a utility inside NetBeans to look up all plugins using a given goal prefix, I found unreliable behavior. To investigate, I wrote a unit test that used Maven Indexer (along with some NB helper classes) that: 1. Creates a fresh local repository. 2. Installs a trivial "plugin" ({{maven-plugin}} POM + JAR) with just a {{META-INF/maven/plugin.xml}} containing {{<plugin><goalPrefix>stuff</goalPrefix></plugin>}}. 3. Indexes the repository, using all available {{IndexCreator}} instances. 4. Runs a search like {{ArtifactInfo.PLUGIN_PREFIX="stuff"}} and checks that there is one hit. This test passed sometimes - including always when run from the debugger - but usually failed. Eventually I found that the order of {{IndexCreator}} instances returned from the Plexus container mattered: if {{min}} preceded {{maven-plugin}} then the test passed, whereas if {{min}} followed {{maven-plugin}} then the test failed. Furthermore, despite {{META-INF/plexus/components.xml}} listing these implementations in a particular order (seemingly arbitrary at build time), the actual order returned by {{PlexusContainer.lookupList}} seemed to vary randomly from run to run. The problem may have to do with {{MinimalArtifactInfoIndexCreator.updateLegacyDocument}}, which does something with {{PLUGIN_PREFIX}} and {{PLUGIN_GOALS}} for reasons unclear to me. When the creators were in the "wrong" order, http://code.google.com/p/luke/ confirmed that {{px}} and {{gx}} fields were just not present. I can work around this issue in the NetBeans code which indexes the local repository, using a hardcoded list of indexers (or rather, indexer IDs) as {{AbstractIndexCreatorHelper}} in the Indexer test sources does. But that does not help for downloaded remote indices, which might have been created by a faulty version of Indexer - since {{NexusIndexerCli.getIndexers}} uses {{lookupList}} when {{--type full}} is used. This means that any queries about plugin prefixes or goals may return results only for plugins which happen to have been downloaded locally. Indeed this is exactly what seems to happen when I try it, i.e. the Central index I am getting (via a proxy in Nexus has no {{PLUGIN_*}} fields. The less desirable workaround would be to run a search on {{ArtifactInfo.PACKAGING="maven-plugin"}}, and for each hit, download the actual JAR and parse {{plugin.xml}} myself. I am not sure whether the position of {{MavenArchetypeArtifactInfoIndexCreator}} also matters, but it seems plausible, since it overrides a field normally stored in {{MinimalArtifactInfoIndexCreator}}. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira