
Brett Porter edited comment on MRELEASE-358 at 6/25/11 3:18 AM:

this may be related to MRELEASE-350, can someone re-test with 2.1?

      was (Author: brettporter):
    this may be related to MRELEASE-350
> CheckDependencySnapshotsPhase fails when resolving all dependencies
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-358
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-358
>             Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: prepare
>    Affects Versions: 2.0-beta-7
>            Reporter: Rich Seller
>         Attachments: patch.txt
> In CheckDependencySnapshotsPhase, if '0' (All) is selected in response to the 
> prompt "specify the selection number ..." the dependencies are not removed 
> from the original set, so a ReleaseFailureException is thrown at the end of 
> checkProject().
> In the attached patch the dependencies are removed from the original set, and 
> the snapshotSet is returned from resolveSnapshots() to be checked in 
> checkProject().
> In the tests, I implemented a custom Prompter because I don't know how to set 
> multiple conditional responses on JMock1 mocks.
> One other change made while testing: in processSnapshot, "What is the next 
> development version?" is set with a singleton list so a different value has 
> been entered. I removed the list to make the supplied value the default but 
> allow different responses. I can raise this as a separate issue if required

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