Broken link syntax in APT ------------------------- Key: DOXIA-429 URL: Project: Maven Doxia Issue Type: Bug Components: Module - Apt Affects Versions: 1.2 Reporter: Christian Schlichtherle Priority: Minor
A common cause of frustration is APT's linking feature. Consider this example: You want to link to an external resource without a name for the link. So you do write: {{}} Some time later you decide you would prefer a name for the link, but you cannot insert {name} like so: {{{TrueZIP User Website}}} // BROKEN! Rather than this, you have to reverse the order and write: {{{}TrueZIP User Website}} So the URI effectively moves from {{URI}} to {{{URI}NAME}}. This is really annoying! I know you can't change this without breaking compatibility. So please provide a new linking feature, probably something like this: [[URI]] and [[[NAME]URI]] respectively. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: