Hi, I ran into the following issue. I created a program, capable of reading an identity card from an electronic card reader. I use maven for dependency management and compilation. The libraries used for reading the card reader are not from any maven repository. So I cheated a little bit and added the jar file to the repository myself and created a pom file for it too in the repository. I respected the structure groupId - artifactId - version . It is something like
be.belgium.eid beid35JavaWrapper-win 3.5 jar The jar file and a pom file is then to be found on that location. When I create an executable for this program, the class files for these libs are not added to the created executable. questions: 1/ Do I also need to create the .sha1 file for this. If so: how? 2/ What are these .sha1 files 3/ Has anyone written a similar program, but with eid libs from maven? Which ones? thanks for any help -- View this message in context: http://maven.40175.n5.nabble.com/maven-problem-class-file-not-added-in-excecutable-after-compilation-tp4277540p4277540.html Sent from the Maven - Issues mailing list archive at Nabble.com.