
Dennis Lundberg commented on MDEP-106:

As mentioned in MNG-2877, this doesn't seem to be a bug in the Dependency 
Plugin itself, but rather a bug in the dependency resolution code in Maven 
core. We've just ran into this very problem. Using Maven 2.0.11 or 2.2.1 the 
build fails, but using Maven 3.0-beta-1 it is successful.

> Unpacking primary artifact from sibling module uses repository rather than 
> reactor
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MDEP-106
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEP-106
>             Project: Maven 2.x Dependency Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: unpack
>    Affects Versions: 2.0-alpha-4
>            Reporter: Matt Ryall
>            Assignee: Brian Fox
> Running dependency:unpack referencing a project in the reactor has the 
> following output which shows it is scanning for repository artifacts rather 
> than the artifact in the reactor:
> {quote}
> [INFO] [dependency:unpack \{execution: unpack-tests}]
> [INFO] Configured Artifact: 
> com.example.app:app-acceptance-test:2.6-SNAPSHOT:jar
> [INFO] snapshot com.example.app:app-acceptance-test:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking 
> for updates from snapshots
> [INFO] snapshot com.example.app:app-acceptance-test:2.6-SNAPSHOT: checking 
> for updates from m1-repo
> Downloading: 
> http://m2proxy:8081/artifactory/repo/com/example/app/app-acceptance-test/2.6-SNAPSHOT/app-acceptance-test-2.6-20070829.025709-409.jar
> 9125K downloaded
> [INFO] Expanding: 
> /Users/mryall/.m2/repository/com/example/app/app-acceptance-test/2.6-SNAPSHOT/app-acceptance-test-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar
>  into /Users/mryall/src/example/app/app-webapp/target/it-classes
> {quote}
> To explain the scenario: to build reusable acceptance tests, I have the 
> following sub-modules of my project:
> - app-core (jar)
> - app-acceptance-tests (jar)
> - app-webapp (war)
> The acceptance tests are packaged this way for further use in testing, and 
> also run against the webapp in the integration-test phase. This is where the 
> problem arises.
> Running 'mvn clean integration-test' does the following relevant tasks:
> - in the app-acceptance-test module, compiles and packages a JAR of tests
> - in the app-webapp module, uses the dependency:unpack goal to extract the 
> tests into target/it-classes in the pre-integration-test phase, and test:test 
> to run them in the integration test phase.
> I don't think this is caused by the snapshot version, because the release 
> plugin also fails because it is unable to find the 2.6 version when it runs 
> 'mvn clean verify'. There, it scans all the repositories for the acceptance 
> test artifact before failing with the usual error:
> {quote}
>     [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
>     GroupId: com.example.app
>     ArtifactId: app-acceptance-test
>     Version: 2.6
>     Reason: Unable to download the artifact from any repository
> {quote}
> Maven details:
> {noformat}
> $ mvn -version
> Maven version: 2.0.7
> Java version: 1.4.2_12
> OS name: "mac os x" version: "10.4.10" arch: "i386"
> {noformat}

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