prepare-with-pom : inherited plugins configuration are lost in release-pom.xml

                 Key: MRELEASE-544
             Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: perform
    Affects Versions: 2.0
         Environment: Maven 2.2.1
            Reporter: Thomas Sauzedde
         Attachments: sample-projects.tgz

Like in the provided sample projects, I have the following scenario : 3 modules 
(sibling) with the following inheritage graph :

grandfather  <=== father <=== child

- grandfather (pom module) has
    * a dependencyManagement block with some exclusions
    * a pluginManagement block

- father (pom module) adds a plugins block to configure the compiler plugin

- child is a basic (empty) jar module

when mvn release:prepare-with-pom is performed on "child" the checked-in (svn) 
release-pom.xml has all the dependencies resolved BUT all the inherited plugins 
configuration is lost :-(

To reproduce this with the provided sample projects : 
- perform a mvn:install on grandfather & father
- import "child" in your svn repo
- change the scm block on "child" in order to checkout/in from your svn
- perform a mvn release:prepare-with-pom (on child)

You will see that in your tagged release-pom.xml the plugins configuration is 

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