
Hannu Leinonen commented on MECLIPSE-402:

This seems to be already implemented in the current trunk, though it has a 
minor bug that appears on Windows: Eclipse requires the path separators on 
location to be '/' and when I use a property like ${basedir} the path 
separators are naturally '\'. I made a small patch that replaces all '/':s with 
'\':s when using linkedResource.

> Enable linkedResources in .project file
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: MECLIPSE-402
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MECLIPSE-402
>             Project: Maven 2.x Eclipse Plugin
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Core : Multi-projects
>            Reporter: Laszlo Hornyak Kocka
>         Attachments: MECLIPSE-402-linkedResource-location-fix.patch
> It would be very helpful if eclipse plugin could generate linkedResources tag 
> for the generated project file, pointing e.g. to an another project of a 
> multimodule maven project
>       <linkedResources>
>                 <link>
>                         <name>src/main/webapp/flashclient.swf</name>
>                         <type>1</type>
> <location>/home/kocka/blabla/bla/trunk/flashclient/target/flashclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.swf</location>
>                 </link>
>         </linkedResources>
> generated from this configuration
>                         <plugin>
>                                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>                                 <artifactId>maven-eclipse-plugin</artifactId>
>                                 <configuration>
>                                         <wtpversion>1.5</wtpversion>
>                                         <linkedResources>
> <link>../flashclient/target/flashclient-${version}.swf</link>
>                                         </linkedResources>
>                                 </configuration>
>                         </plugin>

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