MANEFEST class path attribute uses repository style name despite setting classpathMavenRepositoryLayout to false ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MSHARED-140 URL: Project: Maven Shared Components Issue Type: Bug Components: maven-archiver Environment: Ubuntu 9.04 64bit Reporter: Mike Power Attachments: pom.xml I ran into this while porting a windows maven build to linux. Thanks to all your guy's work is was very error free. However I did run into one problem where I was getting class not found exceptions for ejb. After digging in deep I found our MANIFEST.MF file looked something like this: Class-Path: someintuitlib-ejb-1.0-20090513.083158-9-client.jar As opposed to windows where it looked like: Class-Path: someintuitlib-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT-client.jar When the jars are wrapped up in linux they use the someintuitlib-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT-client.jar for the file name. Thus the classpath fails and a class not found exception results. This seems to be specific to linux and ejb relying on SNAPSHOTs built on another machine and uploaded to a shared repository. There are other SNAPSHOTs in the dependency list and their names are used correctly. Those SNAPSHOTs are built locally as part of the build. Thus I think it is specific to SNAPSHOTs built remotely and uploaded to a shared SNAPSHOT repository. I have supplied a sample pom.xml that may generate the bug but I can not test it out as I do not have a remote repository that I can push SNAPSHOTs to. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: