
Steven Swor updated MPDF-23:

    Attachment: pdfPluginDefinitionTest.zip

Here's a sample Maven project with the resulting PDF in the target folder.  If 
this is not the output that you get when you try to run it, then something is 
wonky on my box.

P.S.  I'm running Maven 2.2.0 (r788681; 2009-06-26 08:04:01-0500)

> Definition Lists are not formatted correctly
> --------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MPDF-23
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPDF-23
>             Project: Maven 2.x PDF Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 1.0
>         Environment: OS: Mac OS X (10.5.7)
> Java Version: (1.6.0_13)
> PDF Plugin Implementation: itext
> Documentation Source Format: APT
>            Reporter: Steven Swor
>            Priority: Trivial
>         Attachments: pdfPluginDefinitionTest.zip
> When creating a definition list using APT, the resulting PDF is formatted 
> incorrectly.  For example:
> {noformat}
>      [Term 1] Definition 1.
>      [Term 2] Definition 2.
>      [Term 3] Definition 3.
>      []
> {noformat}
> produces the following output
> {noformat}
> Term 1
> Definition 1. Term 2.
> Definition 2. Term 3.
> Definition 3.
> {noformat}
> The two problems I have with this are that 1) new terms are on the same line 
> as the definition of the previous term, and 2) there is not enough formatting 
> difference between terms and their definitions.  It'd be nice to make the 
> terms bold-face, or indent the definitions, or something like that, to make 
> the PDF more human-readable.

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