
Benjamin Bentmann closed MNG-3043.

         Assignee: Benjamin Bentmann
       Resolution: Fixed
    Fix Version/s:     (was: 2.2.x)

Done in [r798494|http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=798494].

> Allow 'mvn test' to work with test-jar dependencies in a reactor
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-3043
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3043
>             Project: Maven 2
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Dependencies, Reactor and workspace
>    Affects Versions: 2.0.6, 2.0.7
>            Reporter: Kenney Westerhof
>            Assignee: Benjamin Bentmann
>             Fix For: 3.0-alpha-3
>         Attachments: mng-3043.zip
> Basically the issue is demonstrated by MNG-2045, but instead of running 'mvn 
> install', you run 'mvn test'.
> Test classes of dependencies should be resolved from the reactor, just as 
> main classes, if there's no archive available.
> I'm not sure how to go about this. Specifying a dependency on something with 
> <type>test-jar</type>,
> and having that dependency declare the maven-jar-plugin with the 'test-jar' 
> goal is insufficient.
> Perhaps we can just add a standard classifier that maven is aware of, in this 
> case 'tests'. The jar packaging
> would export this as a known classifier, and tells maven how it contributes 
> to what classpath.
> Since test sources are a first class citizen, just as main sources are (they 
> have the same phases, same
> elements in the pom (but differently named)).
> It seems logical to me that somehow the test classes should be made available 
> to dependencies,
> if they declare a dependency with classifier 'tests'.

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