Public key passphrases when using ext connection method
                 Key: SCM-477
             Project: Maven SCM
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: maven-scm-provider-cvs
    Affects Versions: 1.3
         Environment: Windows
            Reporter: Matt Brown

When using the ext connection method, and a public key is found by the cvsjava 
implementation, it checks a System property named 
"". If this property is not defined, then the 
empty string is used as the passphrase.

The exception given when attempting to use the public key with an empty 
passphrase (when in reality the passphrase is not empty) is misleading and does 
not really tell the user that the cvsjava library could not determine what 
passphrase to use. In addition, the site documentation does not make any 
mention of the need to set the property "".

In my opinion, a mention in the site provider documentation about this property 
(along with several others used by ExtConnection, such as the location of the 
public key file, which are all undocumented) would go a long way towards 
helping make this plugin/provider easier to use. In addition, the exception 
printed in this scenario could be clearer as well.

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