
Gabriele Columbro commented on SUREFIRE-545:

Any comments?

Bad bad bad ? :)

> Enable custom JAR and resource loading in Surefire classpath
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-545
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-545
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: classloading
>    Affects Versions: 2.4.3
>         Environment: any
>            Reporter: Gabriele Columbro
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: SurefireResourceLoading.diff
> There are situations in which you would want to add to surefire classpath an 
> arbitrary resourceSet to have your tests running properly.
> To clarify, there are cases in which maven transitive dependency management 
> cannot be enough for having your classpath populated properly, cases in which 
> not even the <additionalClasspathElement> of surefire can be enough, unless 
> you pollute your pom with a huge numer of <additionalClasspathElement> lines 
> (tough to write and maintain).
> Maybe an example can clarify the situation:
>  if you're working with a legacy Webapp, say a WAR built with Ant, that has 
> no POM, but you want to use Maven features to improve testing and to provide 
> a standard approach to lifecycle management.  You'd like be able to test in 
> isolation (outside of a container) against the webapp classpath, but while 
> WEB-INF/classes can be loaded with <additionalClasspathElement>, you'd name 
> each and every JAR in the WEB-INF/lib to have the classpath properly populate.
> This is infact my case when trying to support Alfresco ECM [1] testing with 
> my maven archetypes [2].
> So, after playing around with Java6 classpath wildcard loading [3] (which 
> seems not to be honored by surefire), I wrote this little patch which adds to 
> surefire a new configuration parameter:
> <resources>
>    <resource>
>           ....
>    </resource>
> </resources>
> which allows to load arbitrary resources in the surefire classpath, using the 
> usual directory/include/exclude format supported by the Maven 
> DirectoryScanner. This solves my problems as now I can happily load the 
> Alfresco's WEB-INF/lib/*.jar resourceSet.
> It does not check for duplicates so it's left to the developer to check it 
> the maven transitive classpath clashes with the added resources (as this 
> should be discouraged, I think it should stay like this).
> I understand this should be discouraged, but I could not find a way to work 
> this around (until Alfresco release his POM [4]) in the current surefire 
> setup.
> WDYT? Shall I write a test case or you think is never going to make it to the 
> trunk? ;)
> [1] http://www.alfresco.com/
> [2] http://repository.sourcesense.com/maven2-sites/maven-alfresco-archetypes
> [3] http://www.javabeat.net/qna/90-adding-jars-to-the-classpath/
> [4] https://issues.alfresco.com/jira/browse/ETHREEOH-1090

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