Auto Sync for jsr107cache ------------------------- Key: MAVENUPLOAD-2413 URL: Project: Maven Upload Requests Issue Type: Wish Reporter: Greg Luck
"net.sf.jsr107cache","","rsync_ssh","Greg Luck","",, Note:net.sf.ehcache is already being synced from this same place. I am deploying jsr107cache, (being the the JSR107 APIs) there as it is a lot easier for me. I was hoping my existing sync would bring it across to the Central Repo, but that did not happen. Thus the extra line. Right now, the ehcache-jcache module cannot resolve its dependency on v1.1 of net.sf.jsr107cache. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: