Add a release:copy mojo to be able to re-release an existing tag under another name -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MRELEASE-430 URL: Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin Issue Type: New Feature Affects Versions: 2.0-beta-8 Reporter: Baptiste MATHUS Priority: Minor Hi, We're currently encountering a use case that we think could interestingly and easily be managed by the release plugin. In fact, we recently released some version for a given artifact. Say we released _pof-1.0.alpha01.ja_ under the tag (svn) _tags/pof/1.0.alpha01_. After some time spent verifying that the release is correct, if no problem is detected, then we would like to simply "re-release" this tag under the new name _pof-1.0.beta01.jar_ (note the qualifier change). Some additional mojo could be run with something like the following contract: {{mvn release:copy -DconnectionUrl="scm:svn:svn://svnserver/pof/tags/1.0.alpha01" -DnewVersion=1.0.beta01}} And it could do the following: * checkout the project sources from the given connectionUrl * locally modify the project pom so that it updates to the "newVersion" version and the scm block * commit/check in the modified project in a new tag named "newVersion" I guess this use case is quite close to a classical perform, only slightly different. Cheers. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: