
Dennis Lundberg commented on MSITE-334:

James, please open another issue (a bug) for the UNC path issue.

As I see it, this issue is about the value of 
<distributionManagement>/<site>/<url> looks in a child project when it is not 
specified in the child POM. It is then inherited from the parent with the 
childs artifactId appended. IMO the current behavior for this is as it was 
intended to be, therefor I see this issue as a request for improvement. The 
improvement would be to be able to "disable" the inheritance of said element.

With that said maybe this issue is a duplicate of MNG-3244?

> Make it possible to not append the artifactId of the child when inheriting 
> site url
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSITE-334
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-334
>             Project: Maven 2.x Site Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: site:deploy
>    Affects Versions: 2.0-beta-6
>         Environment: Windows XP
>            Reporter: James Nord
>         Attachments: build.txt
> I have a parent POM that is inherited by multiple projects that specifies 
> site wide default settings.
> (e.g)
> Parent\pom.xml   <--- this is the pom containing the site configuration
> Parent\CheckStyleConfig\pom.xml
> Part of this is the site deploy 
>   <distributionManagement>
>     <site>
>       <id>nds-uk.site</id>
> <url>file://///scg-nas.uk.nds.com/maven_sites/${project.groupId}/${project.artifactId}/${project.version}</url>
>     </site>
>   </distributionManagement>
> running site:deploy on the sub procject results in it using a corrupted 
> version of the url.
> build output attached.
> Notice the corruption of the original file:///// (2 slashes are removed so it 
> tries to deploy to local HDD)
> Also notice the project name is appended to the end of the URL which doesn't 
> match the URL specified
> parent (OK) 
> file://///scg-nas.uk.nds.com/maven_sites/com.nds.cab.scg/common-parent/
>  - Session: Opened  
> child (bad) 
> file:///scg-nas.uk.nds.com/maven_sites/com.nds.cab.scg/common-checkstyle/
>  - Session: Opened  

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