
Andrew Hughes commented on MSITE-294:

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for the response, what you are saying is correct... if I put this text 
in I would expect the value to be replaced....

INPUT: index.apt.vm
This project version is ${project.version}
OUTPUT: index.html  [which is correct and I am happy with :)
This project version is 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

But let's say I really wanted the output to say....

INPUT: index.apt.vm
This project version is ${project.version} and comes from the 
$\{project.version\} property.
OUTPUT: index.html  - which is correct and I am happy with :)]
This project version is 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT and comes from the ${project.version} 

However........ if I want to do the above inside an apt escape box it becomes a 
bit weird... this is the bug...
INPUT: index.apt.vm
This project version is ${project.version} and comes from the 
$\{project.version\} property.
OUTPUT: index.html  - which is not what I want :(
This project version is 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT and comes from the $\{project.version\} 

My real use case, is that I have a plugin I am trying to document. My 
documentation is an XML HowTo snippet (hence the +------ apt escape section). 
The XML HowTo is driven by a mixture of properties to be replaced from values 
in the project, and "you must define a property called xxx.xxx within your 
profile to complete the plugin usage configuration HowTo. My description 
problably sucks so here's my actual input and output I want, and what I get....

INPUT: index.apt.vm
How To Use The ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId}-${project.version} 

Add the following to your pom.xml's plugin section

OUTPUT: index.html (this is what I want)

How To Use The mycompany-maven:glassfish-deployer-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT Plugin

Add the following to your pom.xml's plugin section


OUTPUT: index.html (this is what I get) NOTE the backslashes are still there....
How To Use The mycompany-maven:glassfish-deployer-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT Plugin

Add the following to your pom.xml's plugin section


> Can't escape ${project.version} as plain text inside apt +---- section, on 
> *.apt.vm files
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSITE-294
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-294
>             Project: Maven 2.x Site Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.0-beta-6
>         Environment: *.apt.vm files, and +----- escaped section.
>            Reporter: Andrew Hughes
>            Priority: Critical
> You can reproduce this the following way.....
> ./src/site/index.apt.vm (start)
> --------------------------------------------------
> This will appear without the backslashes 
> {noformat}$\{project.version\}{noformat} and that's excellent. But you can't 
> get this output in the escaped apt text section below.
> {noformat}
> +---
> However this apt escaped section still shows the backslashes inside this 
> section $\{project.version\} and there is no known way the text can be shown 
> as above.
> To make matters worse, when you put this in without the backslashes, you get 
> the properties value (like a filter). See: ${project.version} not the desired 
> string as above
> +---
> {noformat}
> -------------------------------------------------
> ./src/site/index.apt.vm (start)

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