mvn idea:idea doesn't generated an .iml file that will include a web facet's owning module's classes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MIDEA-107 URL: Project: Maven 2.x IDEA Plugin Issue Type: Bug Affects Versions: 2.0 Reporter: Robert Nicholson In IntelliJ Idea 6 it doesn't look like it was necessary to have a containerElement entry under WebModuleProperties for the actual classes of the module that owns the facet or web module. I am using mvn 2.0.7 If you take this same .iml file and use it in IntelliJ 7 it will not include those classes in the war that's built. It seems something changed b/w Idea 6 and Idea 7 WRT to how it determines which classes to include into a webmodule/facet. In 7, you explicitly see the classes as a dependency and you can select "copy module output to" but in 6. It seems to have implicitly included those classes and doesn't show the owning module as an explicit dependency when showing you the jars/modules that are "copied" to the war. So I think it may be necessary for the mvn idea:idea plugin to include an explicit containerElement under packaging for the actual module that owns the web facet. In the context of the .iml file you can think of that module as "self" -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: