elharo commented on code in PR #529:
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven-site/pull/529#discussion_r1878008186

@@ -271,13 +271,20 @@ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=non-maven-proj.jar 
-DgroupId=some.group -Dartifa
   you browse the Maven central repository, you will notice that the 
classifiers <<<sources>>> and <<<javadoc>>> are used
   to deploy the project source code and API docs along with the packaged class 
+  The classifier may also be derived from the <<type>> in case the related 
{{{/ref/current/maven-core/artifact-handlers.html} artifact handler}} defines 
   * <<type>>:\
   Corresponds to the chosen dependency type. This defaults to <<<jar>>>. While 
it usually represents
-  the extension on the filename of the dependency, that is not always the 
case: a type can be mapped to a
+  the extension of the referenced artifact, that is not always the case: a 
type can be mapped to a
   different extension and a classifier. The type often corresponds to the 
packaging used, though this is
   also not always the case. Some examples are <<<jar>>>, <<<ejb-client>>> and 
   see {{{/ref/current/maven-core/artifact-handlers.html}default artifact 
handlers}} for a list. New types can be
   defined by plugins that set <<<extensions>>> to true, so this is not a 
complete list.
+  In case there is an artifact handler defined there are <two> different ways 
of referencing the same dependency:
+  By using the artifact's <extension> or by using the registered <type> value. 
The latter considers all attributes from the artifact handler, while the former

Review Comment:
   sentence fragment

@@ -271,13 +271,20 @@ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=non-maven-proj.jar 
-DgroupId=some.group -Dartifa
   you browse the Maven central repository, you will notice that the 
classifiers <<<sources>>> and <<<javadoc>>> are used
   to deploy the project source code and API docs along with the packaged class 
+  The classifier may also be derived from the <<type>> in case the related 
{{{/ref/current/maven-core/artifact-handlers.html} artifact handler}} defines 
   * <<type>>:\
   Corresponds to the chosen dependency type. This defaults to <<<jar>>>. While 
it usually represents
-  the extension on the filename of the dependency, that is not always the 
case: a type can be mapped to a
+  the extension of the referenced artifact, that is not always the case: a 
type can be mapped to a
   different extension and a classifier. The type often corresponds to the 
packaging used, though this is
   also not always the case. Some examples are <<<jar>>>, <<<ejb-client>>> and 
   see {{{/ref/current/maven-core/artifact-handlers.html}default artifact 
handlers}} for a list. New types can be
   defined by plugins that set <<<extensions>>> to true, so this is not a 
complete list.
+  In case there is an artifact handler defined there are <two> different ways 
of referencing the same dependency:

Review Comment:
   If an artifact handler is defined,

@@ -271,13 +271,20 @@ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=non-maven-proj.jar 
-DgroupId=some.group -Dartifa
   you browse the Maven central repository, you will notice that the 
classifiers <<<sources>>> and <<<javadoc>>> are used
   to deploy the project source code and API docs along with the packaged class 
+  The classifier may also be derived from the <<type>> in case the related 
{{{/ref/current/maven-core/artifact-handlers.html} artifact handler}} defines 
   * <<type>>:\
   Corresponds to the chosen dependency type. This defaults to <<<jar>>>. While 
it usually represents
-  the extension on the filename of the dependency, that is not always the 
case: a type can be mapped to a
+  the extension of the referenced artifact, that is not always the case: a 
type can be mapped to a
   different extension and a classifier. The type often corresponds to the 
packaging used, though this is
   also not always the case. Some examples are <<<jar>>>, <<<ejb-client>>> and 
   see {{{/ref/current/maven-core/artifact-handlers.html}default artifact 
handlers}} for a list. New types can be
   defined by plugins that set <<<extensions>>> to true, so this is not a 
complete list.
+  In case there is an artifact handler defined there are <two> different ways 
of referencing the same dependency:
+  By using the artifact's <extension> or by using the registered <type> value. 
The latter considers all attributes from the artifact handler, while the former
+  never adds the dependency to the classpath nor includes its dependencies. 
Further information in

Review Comment:
   in --> can be found in

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