Maarten Mulders created MNG-8301: ------------------------------------ Summary: [REGRESSION] Not possible to build a project without modelVersion=4.1.0 but with 4.1.0 (beta-4) XSD Key: MNG-8301 URL: Project: Maven Issue Type: Bug Components: POM Affects Versions: 4.0.0-beta-5 Environment: Apache Maven 4.0.0-beta-5-SNAPSHOT (fee69f2f89c6f32dbef0ec55a7f6e8c071d4b6a9) Java version: 23, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-23.jdk/Contents/Home OS name: "mac os x", version: "14.6.1", arch: "aarch64", family: "mac" Reporter: Didier Loiseau
A project whose pom.xml refers to the [4.0.0-beta-4 XSD|] and that lacks a {{modelVersion}} element used to be buildable with Maven 4.0.0-beta-4. Maven would infer from the XSD that it should use _modelVersion_ 4.1.0. With the current snapshots of 4.0.0-beta-5, it can no longer be built. -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.10#820010)