
Dirk Rosemann commented on ARCHETYPE-679:

I had a similar issue with "unable to resolve class groovy.json.JsonOutput". 
The reason is in both cases, that archetype 3.3.0 's groovy dependency 4.0.23 
has outsourced many packages to separate modules, compared to archetype 3.2.1's 
groovy 2.4.16 version. I strongly hope future archetype versions will include 
groovy{*}-all{*} dependency instead, otherwise archetype-post-generate.groovy 
will only have a friction of its former power.

> groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine Not Found
> ------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ARCHETYPE-679
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARCHETYPE-679
>             Project: Maven Archetype
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Archetypes
>    Affects Versions: 3.3.0
>            Reporter: Reza Rahman
>            Priority: Major
> I am posting this issue on behalf of the official Jakarta EE Starter project 
> at the Eclipse Foundation: 
> [https://start.jakarta.ee|https://start.jakarta.ee/]. We make use of Maven 
> Archetypes in the Starter under the hood and also as an API: 
> [https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/starter/tree/master/archetype.]
> We are pretty dependent on Groovy and use groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine 
> for some critical functionality: 
> [https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/starter/blob/ca9b5028b7fe3b47ecf4b5e5c22e89bc941e99a0/archetype/src/main/resources/META-INF/archetype-post-generate.groovy#L144].
> A few days ago we noticed that the Archetype is suddenly broken with the 
> following error:
> {{[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:3.3.0:generate (default-cli) 
> on project standalone-pom: startup failed:}}
> {{[ERROR] Script1.groovy: 144: unable to resolve class 
> groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine}}
> {{[ERROR]  @ line 144, column 18.}}
> {{[ERROR]        def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()}}
> {{[ERROR]                     ^}}
> {{[ERROR]}}
> {{[ERROR] 1 error}}
> This seems to coincide with the 3.3.0 release of maven-archetype-plugin. Any 
> idea what is going on and how to fix this?
> Please LMK if you need anything from us?

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