
Matthias Bünger edited comment on MSITE-1010 at 6/24/24 3:50 PM:

Sorry forgot this issue over the weekend :facepalm:

What I did for your request:

I took three projeccts and added a file site repository each, e.g.


* POM project {{file:C:\temp\temprepopom\}}
* Single module project {{file:C:\temp\tempreposingle\}}
* Multi-module project {{file:C:\temp\temprepomulti\}}

and then called {{mvn site-deploy}} on each of them

After it all files in each of the three project types were placed at the root 
of the site repository (with a subfolder for the files of the module of the 
multi-module obviously). So no folder were created for the projects.

I then put this in the meta-pom to simulate a companies site-repository server


and then tested it on the using single module and multi-module projects. When 
using it this way for both of them a sub folder was created in the 
So the same behavior as described in the initial post from my company, where 
pom projects overwrite other files in the site repository as no subfolder is 
created. I doubt that this is intended

was (Author: JIRAUSER302100):
Sorry forgot this issue over the weekend :facepalm:

What I did for your request:

I took three projeccts and added a file site repository each, e.g.


* POM project {{file:C:\temp\temprepopom\}}
* Single module project {{file:C:\temp\tempreposingle\}}
* Multi-module project {{file:C:\temp\temprepomulti\}}

and then called {{mvn site-deploy}} on each of them

After it all files in each of the three project types were placed at the root 
of the site repository (with a subfolder for the files of the module of the 
multi-module obviously). So no folder were created for the projects.

I then put this in the meta-pom to simulate a companies site-repository server


and then tested it on the using single module and multi-module projects. When 
using it this way for both of them a sub folder was created in the 
So the same behavior as described in the initial post from my company.

> site-deployment for POM projects does not create project folders in 
> site-repository
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSITE-1010
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSITE-1010
>             Project: Maven Site Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: site:deploy
>    Affects Versions: 3.12.0, 4.0.0-M14
>         Environment: Nexus, since at least Maven 3.6.3 (not tested with 3.9.7 
> or 4.0.0-beta)
>            Reporter: Matthias Bünger
>            Priority: Minor
>             Fix For: waiting-for-feedback
>         Attachments: pom.xml, webdav.txt
> I noticed the following issue while updating the plugins in our teams 
> META-POM and could backtrack it at least until 3.12 but might be an even 
> older issue. Havn't checked 4.0.0-M15 but from the releases notes I doubt it 
> is fixed.
> When you do "site-deploy" for a single module or multi module project the 
> site files (.html, css-folders, etc.) are stored in the site-repository (we 
> have current Nexus version) within a subfolder with the name of the project, 
> e.g
> {code}
> / (root of site-repository)
>   /- project-A
>    /css
>    report.html
>   /- project-B
>    /css
>    report.html
>   /project-C
> {code}
> If you do the same for a "POM" project (e.g. a META-POM or BOM) the site 
> files are all stored at root level (instead of creating a project folder) and 
> ofc overwriting the ones from other POM-projects:
> {code}
> / (root of site-repository)
>  /css
>  /project-A
>  /project-B
>  /project-C
> report.html
> {code}

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