Lutz Neugebauer created SUREFIRE-2220: -----------------------------------------
Summary: SurefireForkChannel.getForkNodeConnectionString returning invalid URI String if localHost resolves to IPv6 address literal Key: SUREFIRE-2220 URL: Project: Maven Surefire Issue Type: Bug Components: process forking Affects Versions: 3.2.2 Reporter: Lutz Neugebauer [SurefireForkChannel.getForkNodeConnectionString|] returns invalid URI string if localhost is an IPv6 address literal: {code:java} public String getForkNodeConnectionString() { return "tcp://" + localHost + ":" + localPort + (isBlank(sessionId) ? "" : "?sessionId=" + sessionId); } {code} localHost is initialized from [InetSocketAddress.getHostString()|] at [SurefireForkChannel.SurefireForkChannel()|] which may return "... the String form of the address if it doesn't have a hostname (it was created using a literal)." If an IPv6 address is returned, then the URI computed is something like {code:java} tcp://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:34398?sessionId=... {code} instead of required format (cf. [URI.URI()|]) {code:java} tcp://[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:34398?sessionId=... {code} At my end the incorrect URI seems to cause hanging build, probably when it is consumed at [SurefireMasterProcessChannelProcessorFactory.connect()|]. -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.10#820010)