
Alvaro Sanchez-Mariscal updated MINVOKER-348:
The build-job.xml generated for a project is truncated:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<build-job project="test-resources/pom.xml" name="" description="" 
result="failure-post-hook" time="42.662" 
  <failureMessage>Assertion failed: 

assert log.text.contains("BUILD SUCCESS")
       |   |    |
       |   |    false
       |   '[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.\n[INFO] Scanning for 
projects...\n[WARNING] This build will only read from the build cache, since 
the clean lifecycle is not part of the build invocation.\n[INFO] \n[INFO] 

Examining the build output, it gets truncated after a {{<}} appears, which is 
replaced in the XML with {{& lt}}, but then nothing else. Snippet following

[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.\n[INFO] Scanning for 
projects...\n[WARNING] This build will only read from the build cache, since 
the clean lifecycle is not part of the build invocation.\n[INFO] \n[INFO] 
-------------< io.micronaut.build.examples:test-resources >-------------\n[INFO]

Then, the verify mojo crashes when reading such file:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-invoker-plugin:3.5.1:verify (integration-test) 
on project micronaut-maven-integration-tests: Failed to read report file: 
 no more data available - expected end tags </failureMessage></build-job> to 
close start tag <failureMessage> from line 3 and start tag <build-job> from 
line 2, parser stopped on START_TAG seen ...t part of the build 
invocation.\n[INFO] \n[INFO] -------------&lt;... @8:242 -> [Help 1]

The build-job.xml generated for a project is truncated:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<build-job project="test-resources/pom.xml" name="" description="" 
result="failure-post-hook" time="42.662" 
  <failureMessage>Assertion failed: 

assert log.text.contains("BUILD SUCCESS")
       |   |    |
       |   |    false
       |   '[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.\n[INFO] Scanning for 
projects...\n[WARNING] This build will only read from the build cache, since 
the clean lifecycle is not part of the build invocation.\n[INFO] \n[INFO] 

Examining the build output, it gets truncated after a {{<}} appears, which is 
replaced in the XML with {{&&lt;}}, but then nothing else. Snippet following

[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.\n[INFO] Scanning for 
projects...\n[WARNING] This build will only read from the build cache, since 
the clean lifecycle is not part of the build invocation.\n[INFO] \n[INFO] 
-------------< io.micronaut.build.examples:test-resources >-------------\n[INFO]

Then, the verify mojo crashes when reading such file:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-invoker-plugin:3.5.1:verify (integration-test) 
on project micronaut-maven-integration-tests: Failed to read report file: 
 no more data available - expected end tags </failureMessage></build-job> to 
close start tag <failureMessage> from line 3 and start tag <build-job> from 
line 2, parser stopped on START_TAG seen ...t part of the build 
invocation.\n[INFO] \n[INFO] -------------&lt;... @8:242 -> [Help 1]

> Build job report is truncated
> -----------------------------
>                 Key: MINVOKER-348
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MINVOKER-348
>             Project: Maven Invoker Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.5.1
>            Reporter: Alvaro Sanchez-Mariscal
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: BUILD-test-resources.xml, build.log
> The build-job.xml generated for a project is truncated:
> {code:xml}
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <build-job project="test-resources/pom.xml" name="" description="" 
> result="failure-post-hook" time="42.662" 
> buildlog="/Users/alvaro/Dev/micronaut-projects/micronaut-maven-plugin/target/it/test-resources/build.log">
>   <failureMessage>Assertion failed: 
> assert log.text.contains("BUILD SUCCESS")
>        |   |    |
>        |   |    false
>        |   '[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.\n[INFO] Scanning for 
> projects...\n[WARNING] This build will only read from the build cache, since 
> the clean lifecycle is not part of the build invocation.\n[INFO] \n[INFO] 
> -------------&lt;
> {code}
> Examining the build output, it gets truncated after a {{<}} appears, which is 
> replaced in the XML with {{& lt}}, but then nothing else. Snippet following
> {noformat}
> [INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.\n[INFO] Scanning for 
> projects...\n[WARNING] This build will only read from the build cache, since 
> the clean lifecycle is not part of the build invocation.\n[INFO] \n[INFO] 
> -------------< io.micronaut.build.examples:test-resources 
> >-------------\n[INFO]
> {noformat}
> Then, the verify mojo crashes when reading such file:
> {noformat}
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-invoker-plugin:3.5.1:verify (integration-test) 
> on project micronaut-maven-integration-tests: Failed to read report file: 
> /Users/alvaro/Dev/micronaut-projects/micronaut-maven-plugin/micronaut-maven-integration-tests/target/invoker-reports/BUILD-test-resources.xml:
>  no more data available - expected end tags </failureMessage></build-job> to 
> close start tag <failureMessage> from line 3 and start tag <build-job> from 
> line 2, parser stopped on START_TAG seen ...t part of the build 
> invocation.\n[INFO] \n[INFO] -------------&lt;... @8:242 -> [Help 1]
> {nofirmat}

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