
Brett Porter updated MNG-2974:

    Fix Version/s:     (was: Reviewed Pending Version Assignment)
      Component/s: Artifacts and Repositories

> Unable to resolve & download snapshot versions from CLI
> -------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-2974
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2974
>             Project: Maven 2
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Artifacts and Repositories
>    Affects Versions: 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.5, 2.0.6
>         Environment: Windows
>            Reporter: Yves Van Steen
>             Fix For: 2.0.x
> When I try to use a snapshot released version of a plugin on the command line 
> interface maven doesn't resolve these and download them from registered the 
> plugin repositories. When using non snapshot versions it is not a problem to 
> resolve and download them.  When I add the plugin (a snapshot version) to a 
> POM and run it it does download it.  So the problem does not lie with the 
> repo which is registered in the settings.xml in a profile which is active.  
> The problem just seems to lie with the resolving and dowloading part of the 
> process.   Cause after the snapshot plugin is download using the POM way it 
> does find the plugin when running it from the CLI.
> I first discovered this bug when trying to use the Maven install plugin.  
> Here are commands used in the process.  Reproding this way of use I got the 
> same result when requesting other snapshot version of plugins that were not 
> in the repository.
> Command used to load snapshot version from the CLI (this gives the error you 
> find below)
> mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.2-SNAPSHOT:install-file 
> (... + correct plugin params ) 
> Command used to load a specific released version from the CLI
> mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.1:install-file (... + 
> correct plugin params ) 
> Command used to load a the top released version from the CLI
> mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:install-file (... + correct 
> plugin params ) 
> Settings.xml File
>               <profile>
>                       <id>apachesnapshots</id>
>                       <pluginRepositories>
>                       <pluginRepository>
>                               <id>ddddd</id>
> <url>http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-snapshot-repository/</url>
>                               <releases>
>                                       <enabled>false</enabled>
>                               </releases>
>                               <snapshots>
>                                               <enabled>true</enabled>
> <updatePolicy>allways</updatePolicy>
> <checksumPolicy>ignore</checksumPolicy>
>                                       </snapshots>
>                       </pluginRepository>
>                       </pluginRepositories>
>               </profile>
> Hope I gave you enough information to fix this error.  It's not major but 
> does hinder me at this point cause now I have to manually place this plugin 
> in everyone of my developers local repo.

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