
ASF GitHub Bot commented on MNG-7774:

cstamas opened a new pull request, #1097:
URL: https://github.com/apache/maven/pull/1097

   This is "mild introduction" of subset of new Maven4 features into Maven 
3.9.x land, with single intent: be able to store resolver configuration along 
with checked in project sources in SCM.
   * interpolate properties and arguments
   * introduce two new special properties "session.rootDirectory" and 
   * these two properties may be undefined (the .mvn may not be found)
   * these two properties if undefined, but referenced during interpolation, 
causes Maven to bail out (error out), and will prevent starting.
   * some other minor cosmetic cleanup

> Maven config and command line interpolation
> -------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-7774
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7774
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: Task
>          Components: Command Line
>            Reporter: Tamas Cservenak
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 3.9.2
> Note: this issue "mildly follows" functionality done in Maven 4 as part of 
> MNG-7038 and MNG-6303, with partial implementation only (is not full 
> back-port), hence "mild introduction".
> Rationale: many new resolver features are akin to be able to store their 
> configuration and input along SCM tracked Maven project sources. Sadly, 
> currently this is not possible. The two issues targeting Maven4 (MNG-7038 and 
> MNG-6303) with introduction of session and project "topDirectory" and 
> "rootDirectory" properties solve this. Still, Maven 3.9.x does not need all 
> of this.
> So, idea is following:
>  * extend MavenCli to interpolate Maven arguments
>  * introduce two special properties {{session.rootDirectory}} and 
> {{session.topDirectory}} in interpolation. They are special, as they may not 
> be defined, and IF they are not defined, their use in Maven argument 
> interpolation causes error (Maven will not boot).
>  * limit the use of the two new properties to Maven CLI interpolation only. 
> This makes projects relying on Maven CLI interpolation "permeable" between 
> Maven 3.9.x and Maven 4, while all the whistle and bells (exposing this via 
> session or project) will be available in Maven 4 only.

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