
Alan Czajkowski edited comment on MRELEASE-1103 at 4/14/23 7:43 PM:

[~michael-o] I do not understand what you mean by "fake security" ... the 
underlying problem here is, as identified by [~robert.sei...@aeb.com] above, 
that the Maven Release Plugin "has removed the calculation of the correct 
settings file" ... essentially the plugin is critically broken if you want it 
to reference the correct settings file
we are not asking for the plugin to do anything more than what it already did 
in the past (version 3.0.0-M5 and every version before it): properly resolve 
the settings files

was (Author: alan-czajkowski):
[~michael-o] I do not understand what you mean by "fake security" ... the 
underlying problem here is, as identified by [~robert.sei...@aeb.com] above, 
that the Maven Release Plugin "has removed the calculation of the correct 
settings file" ... essentially the plugin is critically broken if you want it 
to reference the correct settings file
we are not asking for the plugin to do anything more than what it already did 
in the past: properly resolve the settings files

> decryption of server password in settings.xml failed (works with 2.5.3)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-1103
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRELEASE-1103
>             Project: Maven Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.0.0-M6
>            Reporter: Robert Seidel
>            Priority: Blocker
> A server section was defined in the settings.xml at 
> <settings><servers><server> with id, username and password to connect to a 
> Bitbucket server.
> In the pom.xml the id was referenced in the properties via project.scm.id.
> With 2.5.3 the build is running fine, but with 3.0.06-M6 the following 
> happens:
> *11:35:40* [INFO] [WARNING] The requested profile "distribute" could not be 
> activated because it does not exist.
> *11:35:40* [INFO] 11/17 prepare:scm-commit-release
> *11:35:40* [INFO] Checking in modified POMs...
> *11:35:40* [WARNING] Failed to decrypt password/passphrase for server 
> bitbucket-prod, using auth token as is: decrypt failed
> and in the aftermath:
> *11:35:41* [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:3.0.0-M6:prepare (default-cli) 
> on project ExamplePom: Unable to commit files
> *11:35:41* [ERROR] Provider message:
> *11:35:41* [ERROR] The git-push command failed.
> *11:35:41* [ERROR] Command output:
> *11:35:41* [ERROR] fatal: Authentication failed for 
> '[https://prod.bitbucket/scm/cp/examplepom.git/|https://git.aeb.com/bitbucket/scm/cp/aebparentpom.git/]'
> JDK used was Adoptium 17 (but with 11 the same problem occured).
> Maven used was 3.8.6.

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