
Michael Osipov updated MNG-6270:
    Fix Version/s: 3.9.0
                       (was: 4.0.x-candidate)
                       (was: 3.9.0-candidate)

> Store snapshots in a separate local repository
> ----------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-6270
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-6270
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Artifacts and Repositories, Settings
>            Reporter: Joern Gebhardt
>            Assignee: Tamás Cservenák
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: 3.9.0, 4.0.0-alpha-1, 4.0.0
> h2. Requested Feature
> As already suggested in MNG-4481 it would be really helpful if Maven was able 
> to store the Snapshot artifacts in a different location than the fixed 
> version ones.
> Technically it could be configured like this: 
> {code}
> <settings>
> <snapshotLocalRepository>${user.home}/.m2/snapshots</snapshotLocalRepository>
>   ...
> </settings>
> {code}
> or via a new Maven property {{maven.repo.local.snapshot}}.
> h2. Uses Cases
> # *Feature Branch Development Support*: When using a branching model like 
> [Vincent Driessen's 
> Gitflow|http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model] or [Adam 
> Ruka's 
> Oneflow|http://endoflineblog.com/oneflow-a-git-branching-model-and-workflow] 
> you do feature development in parallel branches that get merged back into the 
> {{master}} when the feature is completed.
> However, these feature branches produce the same snapshot artifact version. 
> On a central build server it is necessary that these snapshot artifacts are 
> only visible within one feature branch and cannot be seen from a different 
> feature branch as they are potentially incompatible.
> Currently it is only possible to use different fully fledged local 
> repositories for each feature branch, however, this slows down the first 
> builds as the fixed versions artifacts have to be copied into the 
> feature-branch specific local repository. Additionally, it costs a lot of 
> disk space.
> Having the possibility to uses feature-branch specific repositories for the 
> snapshot dependencies only, would be a great feature for a development 
> process using feature branches.
> #  Drop all snapshots and make clean build (no ancient snapshot dependencies 
> will bass) - useful especially after changing module identification.

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