
Herve Boutemy commented on MSHARED-831:

notice that when I read 
 , it's very inaccurate:
- on the site aspect, it describes old maven-site-plugin 2.x behaviour
- on the direct report CLI invocation, it says reporting section config is 
used: it never was used, and I fear it won't be for a long time because the 
current improvement is not so easy to code (I really don't see how a running 
Mojo can update the way it was configured...)

> Configuration in reporting section not taken into account when running from 
> cli
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSHARED-831
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSHARED-831
>             Project: Maven Shared Components
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: maven-reporting-impl
>    Affects Versions: maven-reporting-impl 3.0
>            Reporter: Hans Aikema
>            Assignee: Michael Osipov
>            Priority: Major
>             Fix For: waiting-for-feedback
> Investigating on [https://github.com/jeremylong/DependencyCheck/issues/1444] 
> my conclusion is that plugin configuration using the reporting section does 
> not work as documented on 
> [https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-configuring-plugins.html#Using_the_reporting_Tag_VS_build_Tag]
> When configuring the plugin using the reporting section of the pom the 
> configuration is not applied when calling the plugin goal from the CLI 
> whereas the guide states that it is first looked up there and only when not 
> found searched for in the build section.
> Don't know if this is the intended behaviour of the CLI-invocation of the 
> plugins (and thus a documentation bug) or an actual bug in the configuration 
> evaluation, but I spotted similar behaviour with the 
> maven-project-info-reports-plugin

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