
wei cai updated MRESOLVER-247:
This Jira is related with https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-240 
and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-228

There was discussions about the DFS or BFS algorithm for maven resolver in 
MRESOLVER-228, Changing to BFS would make MRESOLVER-228 & MRESOLVER-7 much 
easier to implement. Here is the plan for multiple changes requested recently:
 * DFS > BFS - preparation for parallel download
 * Skip - avoid unnecessary version resolution (Covered in this JIRA)
 * Download descriptors in parallel (MRESOLVER-7)


When comes to resolve the huge amount of dependencies of an enterprise level 
project, the maven resolver is very slow to resolve the dependency graph/tree. 
Take one of our app as example, it could take *10minutes+ and 16G memory* to 
print out the result of {*}mvn dependency:tree{*}. 

This is because there are many dependencies declared in the project, and some 
of the dependencies would introduce *600+* transitive dependencies, and 
exclusions are widely used to solve dependency conflicts. 

By checking the 
 we know the exclusion is also part of the cache key. This means when the 
exclusions up the tree differs, the cached resolution result for the same GAV 
won't be picked up and need s to be recalculated. 




>From above figure, we know:
 * In 1st case, D will be resolved only once as there are no exclusions/same 
exclusions up the tree.
 * In 2nd case, the B and C have different exclusions and D needs to be 
recalculated, if D is a heavy dependency which introduce many transitive 
dependencies, all D and its children needs to be recalculated.  Recalculating 
all of these nodes introduces 2 issues:
 ** Slow in resolving dependencies.
 ** Lots of DependencyNodes cached (all calculated/recalculated nodes would be 
cached) and will consume huge memory.

To improve the speed of maven resolver's dependency resolution,  I implemented 
a skip approach.

*CASE 1: Skip duplicate node*

>From above figure, the 1st R is resolved at depth 3, and the 2nd R is resolved 
>again because the depth is at 2 which is lower, the 3rd R at depth 3 and the 
>4th R at depth 4 are simply skipped as R is already resolved at depth 2. This 
>is because the same node with deeper depth is most likely won't be picked up 
>by maven as maven employs a "nearest transitive dependency in the tree depth 
>and the first in resolution" strategy.

The 3rd R and 4th R will have children set as zero and marked as skipped by the 
R at depth 2 in 2nd tree path.

*CASE 2: Skip version conflict*



After we enabled the resolver patch in maven, we are seeing 10% ~70% build time 
reduced for different projects depend on how complex the dependencies are, and 
the result of *mvn dependency:tree* and *mvn dependency:list* remain the same.

We've verified the resolver performance patch leveraging an automation solution 
to certify 2000+ apps of our company by comparing the  *mvn dependency:tree* 
and *mvn dependency:list* result with/without the performance patch.

Please help review the PR.


This Jira is related with https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-240 
and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-228

There was discussions about the DFS or BFS algorithm for maven resolver in 
MRESOLVER-228, Changing to BFS would make MRESOLVER-228 & MRESOLVER-7 much 
easier to implement. Here is the plan for multiple changes requested recently:
 * DFS > BFS - preparation for parallel download
 * Skip - avoid unnecessary version resolution (Covered in this JIRA)
 * Download descriptors in parallel (MRESOLVER-7)


When comes to resolve the huge amount of dependencies of an enterprise level 
project, the maven resolver is very slow to resolve the dependency graph/tree. 
Take one of our app as example, it could take *10minutes+ and 16G memory* to 
print out the result of {*}mvn dependency:tree{*}. 

This is because there are many dependencies declared in the project, and some 
of the dependencies would introduce *600+* transitive dependencies, and 
exclusions are widely used to solve dependency conflicts. 

By checking the 
 we know the exclusion is also part of the cache key. This means when the 
exclusions up the tree differs, the cached resolution result for the same GAV 
won't be picked up and need s to be recalculated. 

> Avoid unnecessary dependency resolution 
> ----------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRESOLVER-247
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-247
>             Project: Maven Resolver
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Resolver
>    Affects Versions: 1.7.3
>            Reporter: wei cai
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: exclusion-matters.png, skip-duplicate.png, 
> skip-version-conflicts.png
> This Jira is related with https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-240 
> and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRESOLVER-228
> There was discussions about the DFS or BFS algorithm for maven resolver in 
> MRESOLVER-228, Changing to BFS would make MRESOLVER-228 & MRESOLVER-7 much 
> easier to implement. Here is the plan for multiple changes requested recently:
>  * DFS > BFS - preparation for parallel download
>  * Skip - avoid unnecessary version resolution (Covered in this JIRA)
>  * Download descriptors in parallel (MRESOLVER-7)
> When comes to resolve the huge amount of dependencies of an enterprise level 
> project, the maven resolver is very slow to resolve the dependency 
> graph/tree. Take one of our app as example, it could take *10minutes+ and 16G 
> memory* to print out the result of {*}mvn dependency:tree{*}. 
> This is because there are many dependencies declared in the project, and some 
> of the dependencies would introduce *600+* transitive dependencies, and 
> exclusions are widely used to solve dependency conflicts. 
> By checking the 
> [code|https://github.com/apache/maven-resolver/blob/master/maven-resolver-impl/src/main/java/org/eclipse/aether/internal/impl/collect/DefaultDependencyCollector.java#L500],
>  we know the exclusion is also part of the cache key. This means when the 
> exclusions up the tree differs, the cached resolution result for the same GAV 
> won't be picked up and need s to be recalculated. 
> !exclusion-matters.png!
> From above figure, we know:
>  * In 1st case, D will be resolved only once as there are no exclusions/same 
> exclusions up the tree.
>  * In 2nd case, the B and C have different exclusions and D needs to be 
> recalculated, if D is a heavy dependency which introduce many transitive 
> dependencies, all D and its children needs to be recalculated.  Recalculating 
> all of these nodes introduces 2 issues:
>  ** Slow in resolving dependencies.
>  ** Lots of DependencyNodes cached (all calculated/recalculated nodes would 
> be cached) and will consume huge memory.
> To improve the speed of maven resolver's dependency resolution,  I 
> implemented a skip approach.
> *CASE 1: Skip duplicate node*
> !skip-duplicate.png!
> From above figure, the 1st R is resolved at depth 3, and the 2nd R is 
> resolved again because the depth is at 2 which is lower, the 3rd R at depth 3 
> and the 4th R at depth 4 are simply skipped as R is already resolved at depth 
> 2. This is because the same node with deeper depth is most likely won't be 
> picked up by maven as maven employs a "nearest transitive dependency in the 
> tree depth and the first in resolution" strategy.
> The 3rd R and 4th R will have children set as zero and marked as skipped by 
> the R at depth 2 in 2nd tree path.
> *CASE 2: Skip version conflict*
> *!skip-version-conflicts.png!*
> After we enabled the resolver patch in maven, we are seeing 10% ~70% build 
> time reduced for different projects depend on how complex the dependencies 
> are, and the result of *mvn dependency:tree* and *mvn dependency:list* remain 
> the same.
> We've verified the resolver performance patch leveraging an automation 
> solution to certify 2000+ apps of our company by comparing the  *mvn 
> dependency:tree* and *mvn dependency:list* result with/without the 
> performance patch.
> Please help review the PR.

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