
Chris Kilding commented on MNG-7238:

As for how to set the deprecation flag, I agree we wouldn't want to edit Maven 
metadata files directly.

I would propose that there is a form in the repository Web UI (typically 
Artifactory or Nexus) which allows anyone with the appropriate permissions - 
that would usually be the maintainer on Central, or an admin in rare 
circumstances - to deprecate/undeprecate an artifact. There is already an 
artifact management form in those tools, so this would just be one more field 
in that form. We would need a bit of cooperation from Sonatype and Jfrog to 
build it, but that is doable.

I encourage reading the Nuget article on deprecation for an idea of what that 
Web UI could look like: 

(Personally I think Nuget includes too many fields in their deprecation 
feature, and it could just be a simple boolean flag, but the point here is to 
show that this is completely possible to do.)

> Dependency deprecation indicators
> ---------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-7238
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7238
>             Project: Maven
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>            Reporter: Chris Kilding
>            Priority: Major
> I would like to propose a new Maven feature: dependency deprecation 
> indicators.
> In a nutshell, the idea is to let maintainers set a 'deprecated' metadata 
> indicator on a Maven artifact in a repository. This will indicate to users 
> that the artifact should no longer be used.
> The Maven CLI tools could then react to deprecation indicators in the 
> appropriate ways:
>  * {{mvn}} itself: Print a warning when deprecated dependencies are seen.
>  * Maven Enforcer Plugin: Add a {{<banDeprecatedDependencies>}} rule which 
> throws an error when deprecated dependencies are seen. (Also have a 'skip' 
> property which allows the rule to be temporarily bypassed if needed.)
>  * Maven Dependency Tree: Print a {{[deprecated]}} notice next to any 
> deprecated dependency in the tree.
> We can also envisage automated agents like Dependabot or Snyk using these 
> indicators to alert developers about deprecated dependencies in their stacks, 
> and even assisting developers to remove them.
> Some of the major build tools outside the JVM already have deprecation 
> indicators:
>  * NPM: [https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/commands/npm-deprecate]
>  * Nuget: 
> [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/nuget-org/deprecate-packages]
>  * Composer: 
> [https://tomasvotruba.com/blog/2017/07/03/how-to-deprecate-php-package-without-leaving-anyone-behind/]
>  * Cocoapods: [https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html#deprecated]
> So the feature has precedent, and I believe it would be useful to have in 
> Maven.
> This Jira ticket follows up from the conversation "Feature proposal: 
> Dependency deprecation indicators" on the maven-dev mailing list.

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