
Marcin Chwedczuk edited comment on MJAVADOC-673 at 5/8/21, 7:58 AM:

After downgrading to 3.0.1 I have to fix javadoc plugin ASM dependency as 
described in: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MJAVADOC-553

As previous comment states, generating aggregating report fails with "error: 
module not found" errors.

EDIT: Looks like I was running the plugin without rebuilding the project first.

./mvnw clean package javadoc:aggregate {code}
works perfectly. Previously I probably skipped the package goal.

was (Author: 0xmarcin):
After downgrading to 3.0.1 I have to fix javadoc plugin ASM dependency as 
described in: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MJAVADOC-553


As previous comment states, generating aggregating report fails with "error: 
module not found" errors.

> Generating wrong commandline option for javadoc tool when using Java9+ modules
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MJAVADOC-673
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MJAVADOC-673
>             Project: Maven Javadoc Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: javadoc
>    Affects Versions: 3.2.0
>         Environment: MacOS, Window, Linux, Java 11.0.10 +
> With older java versions like 11.0.3 you will got more errors!
>            Reporter: Kai Hofmann
>            Assignee: Robert Scholte
>            Priority: Blocker
>              Labels: generate, java, javadoc, module, options
> When you checkout my open source 
> [TemplateEnginel|https://github.com/PowerStat/TemplateEngine] and simply run 
> {code:java}
> mvn javadoc:javadoc
> {code}
> you will get the following error message:
> {noformat}
> [INFO] <<< maven-javadoc-plugin:3.2.0:javadoc (default-cli) < 
> generate-sources @ templateengine <<<
> [INFO]
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-javadoc-plugin:3.2.0:javadoc (default-cli) @ templateengine 
> ---
> [INFO] No previous run data found, generating javadoc.
> [INFO]
> Loading source file 
> D:\work\eclipse\java\github\TemplateEngine\src\main\java\module-info.java...
> 1 error
> [ERROR] Error while creating javadoc report:
> Exit code: 1 - error: module not found: de.powerstat.phplib.templateengine
> Command line was: cmd.exe /X /C 
> "D:\Programme\Java\jdk-11.0.10\bin\javadoc.exe @options @packages @argfile"
> Refer to the generated Javadoc files in 
> 'D:\work\eclipse\java\github\TemplateEngine\target\site\apidocs' dir.
> org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReportException:
> Exit code: 1 - error: module not found: de.powerstat.phplib.templateengine
> Commandline was: cmd.exe /X /C "D:\Programme\Java\jdk-11.0.10\bin\javadoc.exe 
> @options @packages @argfile"Refer to the generated Javadoc files in 
> 'D:\work\eclipse\java\github\TemplateEngine\target\site\apidocs' dir.
> [...]{noformat}
> Now go to *target/site/apidocs*
> There you could run the generated script by *javadoc.bat*|*sh*
> Which results in the same error!
> Please note that the subdirectory *src/de.powerstat.phplib.templateengine* is 
> empty.
> Now open the *options* file
> and remove the following lines:
> {code:java}
> --module-source-path
> 'D:/work/eclipse/java/github/TemplateEngine/target/site/apidocs/src'
> {code}
> Run the *javadoc.bat*|*sh* again.
> Now the error
> {noformat}
> error: module not found: de.powerstat.phplib.templateengine{noformat}
> is gone. And the javadocs are generated as expected!
> So for me it looks like the generated --module-source-path option for the 
> javadoc command is wrong in this (and maybe other) context(s)!
> The generation happens in 
> org.apache.maven.plugins.javadoc.AbstractJavadocMojo around line 5316.
> Because of the complexity of this code and it's context (maven Reactor) I am 
> not able to provide a patch for this.
> But hopefully you could fix this fast, because it is a real blocker that 
> makes maven javadoc generation for java 9+ modules imposible.

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