
Konrad Windszus edited comment on MPOM-244 at 1/29/21, 5:03 PM:

Instead of configuring this in the Maven Resolver, we should generate the 
SHA512 checksums as additional artifacts with 
[http://checksum-maven-plugin.nicoulaj.net/artifacts-mojo.html.]  That way the 
Staging Repository contains all necessary artifacts for an ASF release in dist. 
The only thing which currently blocks is a release containing 
https://github.com/nicoulaj/checksum-maven-plugin/pull/87 and 

was (Author: kwin):
Instead of configuring this in the Maven Resolver, we should generate the 
SHA512 checksums as additional artifacts with 
[http://checksum-maven-plugin.nicoulaj.net/artifacts-mojo.html.]  That way the 
Staging Repository contains all necessary artifacts for an ASF release in dist. 
The only thing which currently blocks is a release containing 

> Upload SHA-512 to Staging Repository
> ------------------------------------
>                 Key: MPOM-244
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPOM-244
>             Project: Maven POMs
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: asf
>    Affects Versions: ASF-23
>            Reporter: Konrad Windszus
>            Priority: Major
> As now the ASF staging repository supports SHA2 hashes 
> (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-14923) they should be generated 
> for 
> - all attached artifacts and
> - deployed to the Staging repository (i.e. attached to build as well)

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