
M.P. Korstanje commented on SUREFIRE-1724:

> The interface {{org.junit.platform.engine.DiscoverySelector}} v1.3.2 is 
> implemented by 10 default implementations.

That will be allot of typing to map the Junit Platform configuration to 
classes. :D

> It would be worth to write a trivial GitHub project with your proposal

Have a look at: [https://github.com/mpkorstanje/surefire-1724-proposal] Main 
class is the point to start.

It's a demo with Junit4, Junit5 and Cucumber.  The latter two use the JUnit 
Platform and all tests are discovered with a single discovery requests composed 
of classes discovered by surefire and a class path root selector.

> I guess this might be a problem for some users but we are not there yet with 
> our analysis.

Tests would be executed in a different fork so those effects should be gone. I 
guess you may also not want to pollute surefire and run discovery in a fork too.

> Support JUnit Platform DiscoverySelectors 
> ------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-1724
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-1724
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: M.P. Korstanje
>            Priority: Major
> The JUnit Platform defines multiple 
> [DiscoverySelectors|https://junit.org/junit5/docs/5.0.2/api/org/junit/platform/engine/DiscoverySelector.html]
>  to discover tests in different locations. This allows TestEngines to 
> discover tests in classes, the class path root, resource root, files, ect.
> Currently Surefire supports TestEngine implementations  through the 
> JUnitPlatformProvider. However the JUnitPlatformProvider only issues 
> discovery requests for classes that have already been discovered by Surefire. 
> Additionally if no tests were discovered by Surefire then no test discovery 
> requests will be issued at all.
> This means that Surefire does not fully utilize the discovery capabilities of 
> the JUnit Platform and makes it impossible to use the JUnitPlatformProvider 
> for test frameworks that do not have class based tests such as Cucumber.
> To make Cucumber work at the very least the class path root discovery 
> selector would have to be supported.

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