Alex lewis created MWAR-428:

             Summary: Clean required when dependencies are updated
                 Key: MWAR-428
             Project: Maven WAR Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 3.2.3
            Reporter: Alex lewis

A {{mvn clean}} is required when a dependency version is updated in a war 
project pom file; otherwise, both the old and new version of the dependency 
will appear in the lib directory of the war.

Steps to recreate:
 # Create simple war project with 1 or more dependencies.
 # {{mvn clean package}}
 # List library jar files in {{target/<war>/lib}}.
 # Update a dependency version in pom.xml
 # {{mvn package}} (note: no {{clean}}).
 # List library jar files in {{target/<war>/lib}}.
 ** At this point the lib folder will contain both versions of the dependency.


A {{clean}} should not required when dependency versions are updated; {{mvn 
package}} should be sufficient. This expectation is somewhat driven by recent 
comments [~rfscholte] has made more recently regarding the unnecessary use of 


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