
Brian commented on MASSEMBLY-916:

I have updated the example from the older issue (MASSEMBLY-360) so that it 
works with modern Java versions. It is hosted on GitHUb: 

It still works for replicating the issue:
 * Using the shade plugin on the master branch you can run *mvn clean package* 
and run the jar in the target folder: *java -jar 
 * On the assembly-plugin branch the assembly plugin is used. After running mvn 
clean package the jar in the target folder fails to execute: *java -jar 
 * If you look at the META-INF/spring.schemas files you can see the differences 
when using different versions of the assembly plugin.

While still not totally correct, in our case the spring.schemas file still 
worked for us with assembly plugin 3.1.0. I think the example more thoroughly 
illustrates the problem though since it can be used to compare with the output 
from the shade plugin which is fully working in the example.

> When using mulitple Spring dependencies, the files from META-INF (from the 
> Spring jars) overwrite each other in an executable jar-with-dependencies.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MASSEMBLY-916
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MASSEMBLY-916
>             Project: Maven Assembly Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.1.1
>            Reporter: Brian
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: spring.schemas_v3.1.0.txt, spring.schemas_v3.1.1.txt
> When using multiple Spring jars with the assembly plugin the spring.schemas 
> file is not correctly populated and will only include the xsd file mapping 
> for one jar file.
> This appears to be the same issue as MASSEMBLY-360, which was fixed in 2.2, 
> but is happening again in version 3.1.1. It looks like it is only 3.1.1 that 
> is a problem since I confirmed that the correct behaviour happens in 3.1.0.
> This can go unnoticed since it is often only an issue when the xsd file urls 
> cannot be accessed, like on an environment with no internet access. I have 
> attached our META-INF/spring.schemas files for the same project, but built 
> using versions 3.1.0 and 3.1.1 of the assembly plugin to illustrate the 
> difference in output.

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