
Nikolas Falco edited comment on MDEPLOY-254 at 5/19/19 11:38 AM:

I had create two profiles. One for each explained scenarios in my previous post:
# [^log1-mvn_clean_deploy_-Ptwice-source-jar-goal.txt]
# [^log2-mvn_clean_deploy_-Psource-and-shade-plugin.txt] 

This is the maven project used. Keep in mind to setup a working 
distributionManagement->snapshotRepository (I had use my own local)

As you can see in the attached logs file the source jar is deployed twice also 
if they point to the same file and they have the same GAV

was (Author: nfalco79):
I had create two profiles. One for each explained scenarios in my previous post:
# [^log1-mvn_clean_deploy_-Ptwice-source-jar-goal.txt]
# [^log2-mvn_clean_deploy_-Psource-and-shade-plugin.txt] 

This is the maven project used. Keep in mind to setup a working 
distributionManagement->snapshotRepository (I had use my own local)

As you can see in the attached logs file the source jar is deployed twice also 
it is the same file and have the same GAV

> Maven Deploy Plugin deploy jar twice : Maven 3.3.3
> --------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MDEPLOY-254
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MDEPLOY-254
>             Project: Maven Deploy Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Akshay
>            Priority: Blocker
>             Fix For: waiting-for-feedback
>         Attachments: log1-mvn_clean_deploy_-Ptwice-source-jar-goal.txt, 
> log2-mvn_clean_deploy_-Psource-and-shade-plugin.txt, sample-project.zip
> Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on 
> project ****** :
> Failed to retrieve remote metadata ******/maven-metadata.xml:
> Could not transfer metadata ****** from/to ****** 
> {color:#FF0000} Not authorized , ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized. {color}
> Wanted to know if the fix is out in a later version of Maven?

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