Artifact copied to local repository with wrong file extension when using 
jboss-packaging plugin

         Key: MNG-2426
     Project: Maven 2
        Type: Bug

  Components: Artifacts and Repositories, Artifacts  
    Versions: 2.0.4    
 Environment: jdk 1.5.0_06, maven 2.0.4, jboss-package-maven-plugin 
2.0-SNAPSHOT (from mojo-sandbox SVN r2088)
    Reporter: Fredrik Vraalsen

When using the jboss-packaging plugin and setting <packaging> to jboss-sar in 
my pom, the artifact is copied into the local repository with the wrong file 
extension (.jboss-sar instead of .sar).  The jboss-packaging components.xml has 
<extension> set to sar.  The file in the build target directory has the correct 
.sar extension.

Here's the relevant excerpt from my pom.xml:


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