[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MJAR-50?page=comments#action_69239 ] 

Mike Laurie commented on MJAR-50:

Sorry - in the middle of that description, I meant to say:
"Note that the full description is trimmed before going into the manifest (I 
think), so any leading or trailing tabs don't seem recreate the problem."

> "Invalid Header" in jar's Manifest (Specification-Title attribute) when tab 
> char in pom Description
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>          Key: MJAR-50
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MJAR-50
>      Project: Maven 2.x Jar Plugin
>         Type: Bug

>     Versions: 2.0
>     Reporter: Mike Laurie
>     Priority: Trivial

> I typed a <description> element into my pom; the description spanned 2 lines, 
> and my text editor put a tab char at the beginning of the 2nd line.
> The project built correctly, but another project depended on the resulting 
> jar.
> The compilation of the depending project failed with "invalid header" on the 
> jar I'd just compiled.
> When I looked at the jar's manifest, I saw the Specification-Title attribute 
> had the tab character still in it from the <description> element.
> Replacing the tab with spaces in the pom solved the problem.
> However, this was valid xml that caused a compilation problem, so I think 
> it's a minor bug with the jar production code.
> Note that the full description is trimmed before going into the manifest, so 
> any 
> Easy to work around, but it would be nice if whitespace in the <description> 
> element were consolidated into spaces before copying to the manifest.
> Doesn't need any fancy layout stuff - just any multiple instances of tabs, 
> spaces, lf or cr should be replaced by a single space.
> Try (I haven't tried to compile this!):
> {code}
>     public String consolidateWhitespace(String input){
>         StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(input);
>         StringBuffer rv = new StringBuffer();
>         while (st.hasMoreTokens()){
>             rv.append(st.nextToken() + (st.hasMoreTokens()?" ":""));
>         }
>         return rv.toString();
>     }
> {code}

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