[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-91?page=all ]
Olivier Lamy updated MRELEASE-91: --------------------------------- Attachment: changes.xml rewriting-dev-phase.apt MRELEASE-91.patch-2 > Updating of dependencyManagement inconsistent with updating of dependencies > with regard to SNAPSHOTs > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Key: MRELEASE-91 > URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-91 > Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin > Type: Bug > Versions: 2.0-beta-4 > Environment: maven 2.0.4, win XP > Reporter: Marcel Schutte > Assignee: Brett Porter > Fix For: 2.0-beta-4 > Attachments: MRELEASE-91.patch, MRELEASE-91.patch-2, changes.xml, > depmgnt.zip, release.patch, rewriting-dev-phase.apt, > snapshots-reactor-in-dependencies.tar, > snapshots-reactor-in-dependency-management.tar > > > The mechanism in release:prepare for creating the new development version of > POM's handles snapshots that are part of the current reactor build > differently for dependencyManagement and for dependencies. > A snapshot version in a dependencies section will be updated to the next > development version whereas one in dependencyManagement won't. > The attached patch will change this behavior. It will update a snapshot > version under dependencyManagement if and only if it is part of the current > reactor build. > Note that dependencies cannot contain snapshot versions that are not part of > the current reactor, but dependencyManagement can. I suggest to forbid this > too. > A second suggestion is to introduce a parameter to control the updating of > snapshot dependencies in both dependencyManagement and dependencies sections. > Either leave them at the released version or update them to the new > development version. This touches on the discussion in MRELEASE-36 about the > developer having to knowingly choose to use a new development version. I > would be fine with using a parameter to select the behavior as obtained with > my patch. My central point is that dependencyManagement and dependencies > snapshots should behave the same. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/Administrators.jspa - For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira