[ http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSUREFIRE-131?page=comments#action_67029 

Philip Gerlach commented on MSUREFIRE-131:

I checked out commons-events from 
http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/commons/dormant/events/trunk and 
created a POM that I attached to the issue where I included the 
"AllTestSuite.java" as the only JUnitTest and it works as it is supposed to 
work with 310 tests run and 2 failures.

I'm not sure but perhaps your problem results from a typing mistake because 
you've included the test "AllTestsSuite.java" while the correct name of the 
file is "AllTestSuite.java" without the 's'.

> Surefire-JUnit does not recognize "suite"-methods
> -------------------------------------------------
>          Key: MSUREFIRE-131
>          URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSUREFIRE-131
>      Project: Maven 2.x Surefire Plugin
>         Type: Bug

>     Versions: 2.2
>     Reporter: Philip Gerlach
>  Attachments: commons-events-pom.xml, maven-surefire-junit-trunk-412516.patch
> Since Surefire-JUnit doesn't support JUnit4 yet, i tried to use a 
> "suite"-method like
> ------
> public static junit.framework.Test suite() {
>    return new junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter(Foo.class);
> }
> -----
> to run it, but Surefire-JUnit did not recognize these methods and treated 
> them like PojoTests what obviously lead to TestFailures.
> So I fetched the source code from the repository and searched for the 
> problem. I found two if-conditons in JUnitTestSet and JUnitDirectoryTestSuite 
> that did not test for the "suite"-mechanism, so I wrote a new static method 
> to test for this situation and integrated it in the if-conditions.
> Now the "suite"-methods work for my JUnit4 Tests and should do also for 
> others ;-)
> The patch is attached.
> P.S. Since this it is the first time, I'm trying to bugfix something for an 
> open source-project, please just let me know, if I have done something wrong 
> with this process.

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