vsop-479 commented on PR #13557:
URL: https://github.com/apache/lucene/pull/13557#issuecomment-2221949176

   I measured it with luceneutil on wikimedium10m:
   TaskQPS baseline      StdDevQPS my_modified_version      StdDev              
  Pct diff p-value
                  HighTermMonthSort     4422.96      (6.3%)     4272.29      
(5.8%)   -3.4% ( -14% -    9%) 0.076
          BrowseDayOfYearTaxoFacets       38.19     (28.4%)       37.06     
(33.2%)   -3.0% ( -50% -   81%) 0.762
               BrowseDateTaxoFacets       37.85     (28.4%)       36.78     
(33.4%)   -2.8% ( -50% -   82%) 0.773
        BrowseRandomLabelSSDVFacets       22.71      (9.6%)       22.27      
(7.9%)   -1.9% ( -17% -   17%) 0.484
                       OrNotHighLow     2643.42      (4.9%)     2596.34      
(5.3%)   -1.8% ( -11% -    8%) 0.271
          BrowseDayOfYearSSDVFacets       27.46      (9.6%)       27.22      
(4.4%)   -0.9% ( -13% -   14%) 0.706
                             IntNRQ       81.34      (9.3%)       80.63     
(10.3%)   -0.9% ( -18% -   20%) 0.777
                      OrHighNotHigh      562.10      (3.2%)      558.03      
(3.4%)   -0.7% (  -7% -    6%) 0.488
                   HighSloppyPhrase       16.47      (2.6%)       16.36      
(2.9%)   -0.7% (  -6% -    4%) 0.448
                  HighTermTitleSort      138.98      (5.4%)      138.26      
(5.3%)   -0.5% ( -10% -   10%) 0.761
                       OrNotHighMed      594.27      (3.2%)      591.52      
(3.1%)   -0.5% (  -6% -    6%) 0.646
                          LowPhrase      104.35      (3.3%)      103.94      
(3.0%)   -0.4% (  -6% -    6%) 0.695
                         AndHighLow     1913.21      (2.8%)     1906.77      
(3.0%)   -0.3% (  -5% -    5%) 0.715
                         OrHighHigh       80.80      (2.1%)       80.58      
(3.1%)   -0.3% (  -5% -    5%) 0.748
            AndHighMedDayTaxoFacets      164.44      (2.2%)      164.00      
(1.8%)   -0.3% (  -4% -    3%) 0.672
                           PKLookup      361.45      (2.7%)      360.51      
(2.5%)   -0.3% (  -5% -    5%) 0.749
                         AndHighMed      164.72      (1.3%)      164.31      
(2.6%)   -0.2% (  -4% -    3%) 0.703
                        AndHighHigh      115.25      (1.4%)      115.04      
(2.7%)   -0.2% (  -4% -    3%) 0.787
                    MedSloppyPhrase       53.74      (2.0%)       53.66      
(1.9%)   -0.1% (  -3% -    3%) 0.812
                          MedPhrase      219.79      (2.3%)      219.48      
(3.0%)   -0.1% (  -5% -    5%) 0.868
                       OrHighNotLow      783.90      (5.0%)      783.58      
(4.8%)   -0.0% (  -9% -   10%) 0.978
                             Fuzzy2       34.75      (2.1%)       34.76      
(1.6%)    0.0% (  -3% -    3%) 0.960
                         HighPhrase      176.79      (3.3%)      176.90      
(4.1%)    0.1% (  -7% -    7%) 0.956
                            Respell      146.62      (2.6%)      146.83      
(2.2%)    0.1% (  -4% -    5%) 0.846
                    LowSloppyPhrase      144.71      (1.6%)      144.93      
(1.6%)    0.1% (  -2% -    3%) 0.766
                      OrNotHighHigh      673.32      (3.7%)      674.49      
(2.8%)    0.2% (  -6% -    6%) 0.868
                          OrHighMed      329.23      (2.7%)      330.13      
(2.9%)    0.3% (  -5% -    6%) 0.758
                          OrHighLow      766.63      (2.8%)      768.92      
(3.7%)    0.3% (  -6% -    7%) 0.775
               MedTermDayTaxoFacets      106.35      (2.2%)      106.74      
(3.0%)    0.4% (  -4% -    5%) 0.660
             OrHighMedDayTaxoFacets       24.88      (4.9%)       24.97      
(5.7%)    0.4% (  -9% -   11%) 0.825
                             Fuzzy1      166.68      (2.3%)      167.39      
(2.1%)    0.4% (  -3% -    4%) 0.540
                        MedSpanNear       15.57      (1.6%)       15.64      
(1.6%)    0.4% (  -2% -    3%) 0.374
                       OrHighNotMed      723.31      (3.9%)      726.73      
(4.2%)    0.5% (  -7% -    8%) 0.715
                       HighSpanNear       11.64      (2.0%)       11.70      
(1.4%)    0.5% (  -2% -    3%) 0.366
                LowIntervalsOrdered       38.55      (2.3%)       38.75      
(3.6%)    0.5% (  -5% -    6%) 0.598
                           Wildcard      358.09      (4.1%)      359.94      
(2.7%)    0.5% (  -6% -    7%) 0.637
                            Prefix3      558.81      (2.2%)      562.08      
(2.2%)    0.6% (  -3% -    5%) 0.397
                            LowTerm     1284.45      (4.0%)     1292.67      
(4.8%)    0.6% (  -7% -    9%) 0.648
               HighTermTitleBDVSort       15.89      (6.3%)       15.99      
(5.3%)    0.7% ( -10% -   13%) 0.716
                        LowSpanNear      131.68      (1.8%)      132.65      
(2.1%)    0.7% (  -3% -    4%) 0.234
                MedIntervalsOrdered      147.08      (5.7%)      148.26      
(7.1%)    0.8% ( -11% -   14%) 0.694
           AndHighHighDayTaxoFacets       30.27      (2.4%)       30.52      
(2.5%)    0.8% (  -4% -    5%) 0.290
                           HighTerm      997.31      (4.2%)     1007.39      
(5.6%)    1.0% (  -8% -   11%) 0.517
               HighIntervalsOrdered       45.58      (7.3%)       46.10      
(8.9%)    1.1% ( -14% -   18%) 0.659
                            MedTerm     1346.48      (4.1%)     1362.76      
(4.6%)    1.2% (  -7% -   10%) 0.377
              BrowseMonthTaxoFacets       33.39     (39.0%)       33.80     
(42.3%)    1.2% ( -57% -  135%) 0.924
              BrowseMonthSSDVFacets       27.50      (6.0%)       27.85      
(4.4%)    1.3% (  -8% -   12%) 0.448
                         TermDTSort      390.29      (6.8%)      397.80      
(7.1%)    1.9% ( -11% -   16%) 0.382
               BrowseDateSSDVFacets        5.50     (18.1%)        5.61     
(20.3%)    2.1% ( -30% -   49%) 0.727
              HighTermDayOfYearSort      853.40      (4.4%)      875.72      
(4.4%)    2.6% (  -5% -   11%) 0.060
        BrowseRandomLabelTaxoFacets       39.50     (44.1%)       40.98     
(51.4%)    3.7% ( -63% -  177%) 0.805

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