c-thiel commented on PR #771:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/pull/771#issuecomment-2543820634

   @liurenjie1024 conflicts resolved. Had to slightly change a function 
    @sdd thanks for the review! I fixed the typo and added a few comments.
   /// Partition spec that defines how to produce a tuple of partition values 
from a record.
   /// A [`PartitionSpec`] is originally obtained by binding an 
[`UnboundPartitionSpec`] to a schema and is
   /// only guaranteed to be valid for that schema. The main difference between 
[`PartitionSpec`] and
   /// [`UnboundPartitionSpec`] is that the former has field ids assigned,
   /// while field ids are optional for [`UnboundPartitionSpec`].
   Let me know what you think! Feel free to extend if if you think more is 
   I like my previous names also more (SchemalessPartitionSpec). But as Python 
and Java both call it `PartitionSpec`, it might be better to follow.

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