danielcweeks commented on code in PR #11690:
URL: https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11690#discussion_r1870418322

@@ -237,15 +237,15 @@ Path getMetadataFile(int metadataVersion) throws 
IOException {
     for (TableMetadataParser.Codec codec : TABLE_METADATA_PARSER_CODEC_VALUES) 
       Path metadataFile = metadataFilePath(metadataVersion, codec);
       FileSystem fs = getFileSystem(metadataFile, conf);
-      if (fs.exists(metadataFile)) {
+      if (fs.isFile(metadataFile)) {

Review Comment:
   We definitely shouldn't try to mix use of HadoopFileIO/FileSystem and 
S3FileIO since they have different behaviors and configuration.  I think the 
additional call is a product of trying to achieve correct file system semantics 
on an object store.  Unless they remove the deprecation or provide a separate 
utility to perform this check, I'm not sure there's a lot of alternatives.

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