adutra commented on code in PR #10753:

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ default String scope() {
     return OAuth2Properties.CATALOG_SCOPE;
-  @Value.Lazy
+  @Value.Default

Review Comment:
   The only difference is that with `@Lazy` there will be no builder method 
generated for that attribute, effectively making it a read-only/derived 
property. With `@Default`, it's a separate property with its own builder method 
– but the same default initial value.
   I think `@Default` makes more sense here, because we do have a property 
`TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN_MS` that users can set, so it would be optimal if the user 
value could be reflected here.
   But I don't want to fight for this: if you prefer we can revert back to 
`@Lazy`, in which case the `TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN_MS` property would have to be 
stored somewhere else, outside of this class. No big deal.
   I will leave the final word to any of you @nastra or @danielcweeks :-)

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